이족보행로봇의 보행을 위한 에너지 최적화

Energy Optimization for The Walking of Biped Robot

  • 김종태 (인하대학교 자동화공학과) ;
  • 최상호 (인하대학교 자동화공학과) ;
  • 임선호 (인하대학교 자동화공학과) ;
  • 김진걸 (인하대학교 자동화공학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.07.20


This paper is concerned with an energy optimization for the walking of IWR biped robot. The movement of balancing joints are determined by ZMP(Zero Moment Point) and dynamic properties caused by motion of a swing leg. Therefore, ZMP positions have an important role in walking and guarnateeing the stability of a robot. A genetic algorithm is utilized for solving this problem and finding ZMP with a minimum energy at each sampling time during the walk. In this study, we performed an energy optimization with desired ZMP trajectories and motion of balancing joints.
