Solar Power System의 인버터 토폴로지 및 제어 모드에 따른 안정도 연구

Stability of Solar Power System on the Control Modes of a Forced-Commutated Inverter and a Line-Commutated Inverter

  • 발행 : 1997.11.29


Solar power systems have become popular in the modem electric energy system. In order to supply the DC power, generated by solar cells, to the electric power system, the solar power system requires DC-to-AC power conversion. A line-commutated inverter or a forced-commutated inverter can be used in the DC-to-AC power conversion. Because of the nonlinear V-I characteristics of the solar cells, multiple operating points determined by the control mode of the inverter exist in the DC V-I state plane of the solar power system. In this paper, the stability of utility-interactive solar power system with a line-commutated inverter is analyzed at various operating points, using the eigenvalue method and the state-plane analysis technique. The stability of a forced-commutated inverter case is also anaiyzed and compared to that of the line-commutated inverter case.
