혈관 윤곽의 자동적 식별을 위한 방향성 기반의 적응적 추적 알고리즘

Adaptive Tracking Algorithm Based on Direction Field for Automated Identification of Vessel Contour

  • Park, S.I. (Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Inha University) ;
  • Lee, J.S. (Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Inha University) ;
  • Koo, J.Y. (Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Inha University) ;
  • Hong, S.H. (Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Inha University)
  • 발행 : 1997.05.23


This paper presents vessel contour for extracting features and segmentating narrow blood vessels down to a diameter of two pixels in digital subtraction angiographic image. We present a new tracking algorithm for contour, mainly blood vessels in DSA image, and extracting properties such as their intensities, diameters, and center lines by exploiting spatial continuity. The proposed algorithm comes to detect blood vessel's boundary using difference edge detector one of homogeneity operator and find a next centerline position by direction vector of edge information. This algorithm enhanced variation of vessel's diameter compared to Sun's tracking algorithm and lessoned to compute as direction vector decide adaptively entire vessel's direction field. The processed images are intended to support radiologists in diagnosis, radiation therapy planning, and surgical planning. The algorithm should be useful for automating angiographic analyses of blood vessels.
