DEVCS 및 Discrete Time CAM을 이용한 심근 전도 시스템의 시뮬레이션

The Simulation of Myocardium Conduction System using DEVCS and Discrete Time CAM

  • Kim, K.N. (Dept. of Interdisciplinary program in Biomedical Eng., Pusan Univ.) ;
  • Nam, G.K. (Dept. of Electronic Eng., Pusan National Univ.) ;
  • Son, K.S. (Dept. of Electronic Eng., Pusan National Univ.) ;
  • Lee, Y.W. (Dept. of Neurosurgery, Pusan National Univ. Hospital) ;
  • Jun, K.R. (Dept. of Medical Eng., Pusan National Univ. Hospital)
  • 발행 : 1997.05.23


Modelling and Simulation of the activation process for the myocardium is meaningful to understand special excitation conduction system in the heart and to study cardiac functions. In this paper, we propose two dimensional cellular automata model for the activation process of the myocardium and simulated by means of discrete time and discrete event algorithm. In the model, cells are classified into anatomically similar characteristic parts of heart; SA node, internodal tracks, AV node, His bundle, bundle branch and four layers of the ventricular muscle, each of which has a set of cells with preassigned properties, that is, activation time, refractory duration and conduction time between neighbor cell. Each cell in this model has state variables to represent the state of the cell and has some simple state transition rules to change values of state variables executed by state transition function. Simulation results are as follows. First, simulation of the normal and abnormal activation process for the myocardium has been done with discrete time and discrete event formalism. Next, we show that the simulation results of discrete time and discrete event cell space model is the same. Finally, we compare the simulation time of discrete event myocardium model with discrete time myocardium models and show that the discrete event myocardium model spends much less simulation time than discrete time myocardium model and conclude the discrete event simulation method Is excellent in the simulation time aspect if the interval deviation of event time is large.
