선도기술개발사업 1단계 평가사례 연구

  • 발행 : 1997.07.01


This paper addresses a methodology for monitoring the first phase('92-'94) progress and its strategic implication of Highly Advanced National R&D Program(HAN or G7 project) in Korea. The conceptual framework and its strategic thrust of the interim evaluation, which is the main focus of this paper, was designed both by reviewing related literature and by analyzing the unique characteristics of the HAN Program. Actual monitoring or interim evaluation was initiated by the G7 Planning and Evaluation Committee, which was established for advising, directing, and monitoring the HAN Program, with the help of large number of experts from various industries, universities, and research institutes. The monitoring results had been reported to the related ministries and project coordinating agencies. According to the suggestion made by the G7 Planning and Evaluation Committee, several projects were suffered structural changes and one was dropped.
