Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society Conference (한국원자력학회:학술대회논문집)
- 1997.10a
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- Pages.437-442
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- 1997
Determination of Optimum Pressurizer Level for Kori Unit 1
- Song, Dong-Soo (Korea Electric Power Research Institute) ;
- Lee, Chang-Sup (Korea Electric Power Research Institute) ;
- Lee, Jae-Yong (Korea Electric Power Research Institute) ;
Kim, Yo-Han
(Korea Electric Power Research Institute) ;
- Lee, Dong-Hyuk (Korea Electric Power Research Institute)
- Published : 1997.10.01
To determine the optimum pressurizer water level during normal operation for Kori unit 1, performance and safety analysis are peformed. The methodology is developed by evaluating "decrease in secondary heat removal" events such as Loss of Normal Feedwater accident. To demonstrate optimum pressurizer level setpoint, RETRAN-03 code is used for performance analysis. Analysis results of RETRAN following reactor trip are compared with the actual plant data to justify RETRAN code modelling, The results of performance and safety analyses show that the newly established level setpoints not only improve the performance of pressurizer during transient including reactor trip but also meet the design bases of the pressurizer volume and pressure. pressure.