The experimental investigations considered in this paper are similar in many respects to those of Lee$^1$, with some key differences. First, there is no layering of the soils in a heterogeneous liner. The only soil investigated is the clay component of the cover liner. This ensures that the clay is exposed to freezing and that frost propagation in the clay can be investigated separate from other processes. Second, a closed system approach to the simulation was adopted. According to Jones$^2$, closed-system freezing occurs when there is no source of water available beyond that originally present in the soil voids. Freezing under such conditions results in very thin or non-existent ice lenses. One of tile objectives of the experiments described in this paper was the moisture migration and the changing of moisture contents of the compacted clay liner in landfill. The closed-system was used to limit tile variables in the experimental simulation to make these calculations more direct, although the final results could be applied to an open system also. As a result, the moisture content decreased about 45%-46% after two freeze/thaw cycles.