ER 밸브를 이용한 자동차 브레이크 시스템의 차륜 슬립제어

Wheel slip control of automotive brake system using ER valve

  • 발행 : 1997.10.01


This paper presents a new anti-lock brake system(ABS) using electro-rheological(ER) valve actuators for the wheel slip control. The hydraulic dynamic model of the automotive brake system is formulated by incorporating electric field-dependent Bingham properties of ER fluid obtained experimentally. The brake system designed by this hydraulic model is able to control wheel slip by controlling the intensity of electric field which tunes the braking torque. The control fields of the ER valve to command desired wheel slip are determined by a sliding mode controller. A comparison between the proposed brake system and the conventional brake system is made by providing with computer simulations of vehicle motions under ABS performance requirement condition.
