Control of a Three-Phase Voltage-Source PWM Converter with an Extended Operation Region

확장된 동작 영역을 갖는 3상 전압원 PWM 컨버터 제어

  • Published : 1997.07.01


In this paper, the operation regions of a three-phase voltage-source PWM converter are defined: linear modulation region, allowed current region, linear control region, unity power-factor region, and power-factor decreasing region. Particularly, the power-factor decreasing region is first examined and defined as the region where both the sinusoidal input current control and the stable DC link voltage regulation can not be obtained with a unity power-factor operation. To avoid these undesirable effects, the optimal current vector is derived, which ensures the sinusoidal input current and the stable DC link voltage regulation with maximum power-factor available, and, in consequence, it extends the operation region of the PWM converter. The validity of the proposed control scheme is proved by the computer simulation.
