운율구와 대화체 문장구조의 상관관계에 대한 실험음성학적 연구

  • 성철재 (충남대학교 문과대학 언어학과)
  • Published : 1996.10.01


The current speech technology has been aiming to acquire much clearer and more natural synthetic speech sound. The naturalness can be developed by an adequate phrasing of target sentence, of course, which seems to be strongly related to both syntactic and phonetic aspect simultaneously. The present study aims to describe, at one aspect, the relatedness between syntactic structure and prosodic phrasing through dialogue speech, and at the other, to establish a suitable phrasing pattern with respect to the purpose of acquiring more natural synthetic sound. The prosodic phrase, here, means a prosodic unit which can be clearly identified as having an evident break boundary at its final position in a sentence in the sense of both perceptual and acoustical viewpoint. The end of each prosodic phrase is, accordingly, marked as the point of major boundary in a sentence.
