치매노인을 위한 스웨덴의 구룹홈

Group Homes for ,Elderly People with Dementia in Sweden

  • 최정신 (가톨릭대학교 생활과학대학 소비자 주거학과) ;
  • 이언플슨 (샬머스 공과대학교 건축대학 빌딩디자인과)
  • 발행 : 1996.11.01


It is very well known all over the world that Sweden has a long history of social welfare. especially in the area of housing for the elderly and they have managed it succesfully until now. In this study. the group homes for the elderly with dementia which is adapted and developed in Sweden recently is discussed in reference to the characteristics of the inhabitants. way of management, characteristic of architectural design for the group homes in order to find any possibility to apply it in Korea in the future.
