MIDLOOP Code Analysis of a ROSA-IV/LSTF Experiment for the Loss of Residual Heat Removal System Event During Mid- loop Operation

  • 발행 : 1996.05.01


The MIDLOOP code has been developed for the evaluation of RES pressurization transients initiated from a loss-of-Residual Heat Removal System (RHRS) during mid-loop operation after reactor shutdown. It provides a fast running and realistic tool for studying parametrically the response of important plant parameters such as pressure, temperature, and level to various plant combinations of the primary side vent, makeup, and leakage procedures and the steam generator (SG) conditions. The code consists of ten nodes representing the primary and secondary sides of a nuclear power plant and can analyze the effect of air on the primary system pressurization and primary to secondary heat transfer. The analysis results of the MIDLOOP code are in good agreement with the ROSA-IV/LSTF experiment without opening in the RCS.
