The Thermal-Hydraulic Effects of Thimble Plug Removal for Westinghouse type PWR Plants

  • B. S. Jun (Korea Nuclear Fuel Co) ;
  • Park, E. J. (Korea Nuclear Fuel Co) ;
  • Kim, K. H. (Korea Nuclear Fuel Co) ;
  • Park, B. S. (Korea Nuclear Fuel Co) ;
  • K. L. Jeon (Korea Nuclear Fuel Co)
  • Published : 1996.05.01


The thermal-hydraulic effects of removing the RCC guide thimble plugs are evaluated for Westinghouse type PWR plants as a part of feasibility study: core outlet loss coefficient, thimble bypass flow, and best estimate flow. It is resulted that the best estimate thimble bypass flow increases about by 2% and the best estimate flow increase approximately by 1.2%. The resulting DNBR penalties can be covered within the current DNBR margin. Accident analyses are also investigated and the dropped rod transient is shown to be limiting and relatively sensitive to bypass flow variation.
