Nuclear Structure Studies with Low Temperature Technique (I)

  • Published : 1996.11.01


The theory of quantum mechanics states that for any system there are a set of discrete physical states, quantum states, which corresponds a particular energy level of the system. The lowest energy the system can have, corresponding to its ground state, is not necessarily zero, but depends only on the precise microscopic nature of the system under consideration. At the absolute zero of temperature all systems will be in their lowest energy state (zero point energy) and as the system is warmed from OK, the higher energy states become occupied. The probability of occupancy of the excited states relative to that of the ground state is proportional to the absolute temperature. Therefore we can obtain nuclear dipole and quadrupole moment very accurately at ultra low temperature (<15mk) by NMR and from the destruction of anisotropy. The former is called LTNO/NMR and the latter is called LTNO (Low Temperature Nuclear Orientation). In this paper we discuss and introduce only an experimental apparatus with results of cooling power test, a helium dilution refrigerator, which can reache 8mK, and an actual technique for the experiment, a theory and results will be presented in another papers.
