접선방향의 누설이 고려된 스크롤 압축기 선회 스크롤의 동적 거동 해석

Dynamic Behavior Analysis of a Orbiting Scroll in Scroll Compressor with Tangential Leakage

  • 김태종 (서울대 정밀기계설계공동연구소) ;
  • 한동철 (서울대 기계설계학과)
  • 발행 : 1996.05.01


For a vertical type crankshaft-journal bearing system used in scroll compressor, nonlinear transient response analysis is applied includung nonlinear fluid film reaction forces of journal beatings. By a connected behavior analysis of crankshaft and orbiting scroll, the radial clearance of scroll wraps is calculated. Considering tangential leakage for this clearance, a coupled analysis model for leakage and dynamic behavior of the orbiting scroll is made, and analyzed by iterative calculation. By regarding clearances of main, sub bearing of crankshaft and orbiting scroll shaft bearing clearance as design parameters, the radial clearance of scroll wraps is analyzed.
