최종사용자 컴퓨팅의 실태와 최종사용자 개인적 특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Current Status of EUC andindividual Characteristicsofend-users in Korean Firms

  • 김상수 (한양대학교 경상대학 경영학부)
  • 발행 : 1996.10.01


This study has two research objectives related to end-user computing (EUC) . One of the research objectives was to investigate the current status of EUC of Korean firms. Another research objective was to examine the relationship between individual difference of end-users and EUC success. Using survey data from 752 end-users of 23 firms, the surrent status of EUC and the relationship between individualdifferences of end-users and EUC success were investigated. The current status of EUC was examined from six perspectives : 1) what is the characteristics of EC strategy of Korean firms , 2) what are the individual characteristics of end-users in Korean firms, 3) what are the characteristics of tasks performed by end-users using computer 4) what are the application a areas of EUC 5) How end-users are satisfied with the support of firms, 6) what are system usage and satisfaction of end-users. It was also found that individual differences of endf-users are related to EUC success.More specifically , it was shown that the male gender, younger age, higher level of education , higher ran아 and organizational tenure, higher math ability , thinking type of cognitive style, positive and optimistic attitudes toward computer, more experience with computer, more computer education and knowledge are individual differences variables associated with EUC success. The results of stepwise regression analysis suggested that the individuaal difference variables accounted for 14%, 25% 39% and 30% of the variances of four EUC success variables, satisfaction for outcome , satisfaction for ability , frequency of computer use, and thenuber of tasks, respectively. These empirical findings suggest that EUC managers should consider individual differences of end-users in managing EUC , such as education, training, support, and human resource management , to maximize potential benefits of EUC.
