Recent Development of Pervaporation in Japan

  • Mizoguchi, Kensaku (NIMC, National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research, AIST, MITI)
  • 발행 : 1996.03.01


In general, membrane technology in Japan has remarkably developed in these 20 years. Especially, ones treating water is now in high level and seems to be matured. Water shortage of last summer was a new stimulus for promoting membrane research works. The researches are now extending to more precise separation of, for example, isomer and proteins. In such cases, not only polymeric materials but also ceramic or carbon ones are attempted. Concerning pervaporation (PV), water permselective membranes (GFT) are in practical use, PV research works are now concentrating on separation of new targeting substances. Here, I'd like to introduce, first of all, the outline of membrane technology in Japan (not limited to PV), and then of PV research works.
