An expert system for problem identification

  • 최덕원 (성균관대학교 산업공학과) ;
  • 정차성 (성균관대학교 산업공학과)
  • Published : 1996.04.01


Managers are constantly facing problems. Some problems are treated with special connotation. Others are solved as a daily routine. While other problems disppear into the realm of oblivion without even recognized by managers. Some of the unrecognized or overlooked problems may cause a serious failure. It is also likely that there is a better solution approach even though we have been using a generally accepted method. Problem identification is a neglected area by researchers and managers, although they are facing problems everday. This paper provides a review of the theories pertained to problem definition and problem identification as the beginning stage of the problem solving process. Based on these theories, we provide an expert system which can assist managers for a better problem solving. Knowledge base for problem identification and recommaendation of tools for the problem solving is the key ingredient of the expert system.
