타부탐색(Tabu Search)의 확장모델을 이용한 '외판원 문제(Traveling Salesman Problem)' 풀기

  • 발행 : 1996.10.01


In solving the Travel Salesman Problem(TSP), we easily reach local optimal solutions with the existing methods such as TWO-OPT, THREE-OPT, and Lin-Kernighen. Tabu search, as a meta heuristic, is a good mechanism to get an optimal or a near optimal solution escaping from the local optimal. By utilizing AI concepts, tabu search continues to search for improved solutions. In this study, we focus on developing a new neighborhood structure that maintains the feasibility of the tours created by exchange operations in TSP. Intelligent methods are discussed, which keeps feasible tour routes even after exchanging several edges continuously. An extended tabu search model, performing cycle detection and diversification with memory structure, is applied to TSP. The model uses effectively the information gathered during the search process. Finally, the results of tabu search and simulated annealing are compared based on the TSP problems in the prior literatures.
