타원 궤적 연결점을 이용한 일차매개곡선에 기반한 충돌회피 궤적 계획

Elliptic coordinate of connection point for collision-free path planning based on linear parametric curve

  • 남궁인 (한국원자력연구소 (Tel:042-868-8774))
  • 발행 : 1996.10.01


The collision-free path planning presented here uses linear parametric curve with one intermediate connection point between start and target points. The algorithm, in which connection point is organized in elliptic chord.(.theta., .delta.), maps objects in Euclidean Space into images in CPS through intersection check between path and obstacles a process defined as GM. Elliptic locus has special property that the total distance between focus points through a point on ellipse is the same regardless of .theta.. Hence by locating the start and target points to focus points of ellipse, and organizing connection point in elliptic coordinate, the .delta.-axis of CPS represents length of path. The GM of EWS requires calculation of interference in circumferential direction only. The procedures for GM is developed which include categorization of obstacles to reduce calculation amount. Simulations of GM of EWS, on a PC with Pentium/90MHz, is carried out to measure performance of algorithm and the results are reported on a table. The simulations are done for number of cases with different number of obstacles and location of start/target points.
