스튜어트 플랫폼의 견실한 순기구학 추정기 설계

Robust estimator design for the forward kinematics solution of stewart platform

  • 발행 : 1996.10.01


We propose an estimator design method of Stewart platform, which gives the 6DOF, positions and velcities of Stewart platform from the measured cylinder length. The solution of forward kinematics is not solved yet as a useful realtime application tool because of the complexity of the equation with multiple solutions. Hence we suggest an nonlinear estimator for the forward kinematics solution using Luenberger observer with nonlinear error correction term. But the way of residual gain selection of the estimator is not clear, so we suggest an algebraic Riccati equation for gain matrix using Lyapunov method. This algorithm gives the sufficient condition of the stability of error dynamics and can be extended to general nonlinear system.
