장기 회피 발전비용 계산에 관한 연구

A Study on the Evaluation of the Long-Term Avoided Generation Cost

  • 김종옥 (한국전력공사 전력경제처) ;
  • 박종배 (한국전력공사 전력경제처) ;
  • 김광인 (한국전력공사 전력경제처) ;
  • 이상철 (한국전력공사 전력경제처)
  • 발행 : 1996.07.22


This paper discusses the definition and concepts, approach methodologies, capable application areas in electricity business, and tentative calculation of avoided generation costs based on the Korea's official long-term generation expansion plan. The objective to evaluate avoided costs of a resource is to supply decision makers with the breakeven cost of a targeting avoided resource. For the evaluation of avoided costs of the Korea's generation system, we consider the pseudo-DSM option which has 1,000MW peak savings, load factor with 70 percent, and life-time With 25 years as the avoided resource. The DSM resource can save the fuel and capacity additions of a electric utility during its life time. The capacity and fuel savings are evaluated from the two different cashflows with and Without the DSM option, which are generated on the basis of the generation system optimization model(WASP-II), independently. The breakeven kWh costs of the DSM option over this 25-year period is projected to be 34.1[won/kWh], which is composed of generation-capacity and fuel avoided costs with 101.139[won/kW] and 17.6[won/kWh], respectively.
