유한요소법에 의한 권철심변압기의 철손해석

Analysis of Iron Loss in a Wound Core Type Transformer by FEM

  • Kwon, B.I. (Dept. of Electrical Engineering of College of Engineering Science Hanyang University) ;
  • Kim, S.Y. (Dept. of Electrical Engineering of College of Engineering Science Hanyang University)
  • 발행 : 1995.11.18


The analysis of the thin lamination model of the wound core type transformer by FEM requires many region division and much calculationg time, and it has difficulty in calculation by modem computer. A new method which is simulated by a solid but anisotropic block with the magnetic permeabilities in the orthogonal dimension, is selected to account for the presence of the lamination.[1] Based on this equivalent anisotropic block model, we analyze the iron loss of the wound core type transformer by FEM, and compare the simulation results with the experimental results.
