Development of a Scaling Factor Prediction Method for Radioactive Composition in Low-level Radioactive Waste

  • Park, Jin-Beak (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Lee, Kun-Jai (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
  • 발행 : 1995.05.01


This study presents a method to predict plant-specific and operational history dependent scaling factors. Realistic and detailed approaches are taken to find scaling factors at reactor coolant. This approach begins with fission product release mechanisms and fundamental release properties of fuel-source nuclide such as fission product and transuranic nuclide. Scaling factors at various waste streams are derived from the predicted reactor coolant scaling factors with the use of radionuclide retention and build up model. This model makes use of radioactive material balance within the radioactive waste processing systems. According to input parameters of plant operation history, scaling factors predicted at reactor coolant and waste streams are well brought out the effects of plant operation history.
