The latest Technology in VTS and its Application to Modern Traffic Management Systems

  • Captain I.M.H Slater (Marine Surveillance Systems Consultant London U.K)
  • Published : 1995.11.01


THe latest developments in computer technology and marine surveillance systems equipment has for the first time provided ports with the ability to provide comprehensive traffic management system that can significantly improve safety and operational efficiency within a port and its approaches. This paper takes a look at these developments and how they can be applied to the modern port environment. Subjects discussed include the current VTS developments worldwide the latest developments in equipment available the impact of these developments on port operations and how this can affect the economics of a port. Examples of existing systems are provided to indicate the effectiveness of the VTS in this areas. The advent of computer technology has revolutionized the operations of VTS and enabled very capital intensive systems to exchange between ships and the shore by using this information to ease the problems of navigation in confined waters co-ordinating the services involved in ship movement and by introducing controls where necessary to enhance safety port efficiency. International trade is expanding particularly in the Asia-Pacific region where the majority of this trade is carried by sea ships are expensive items to operate and require efficient port facilities to earn their profits. Delays within the port area accidents and their consequences are subjects that can seriously effect the operations of modern vessels. The port that provides the safest haven and shortest turnatound time is the port that will succeed commercially. An efficient VTS is one means to ensure that this happens.
