The theory of non-Markovian optical gain in excited semiconductors

  • Ahn, Doyeol (LG Electronics Research Center 16 Womyeon, Seocho-Gu)
  • 발행 : 1995.06.01


A reduced description of the dynamics of carriers in excited semiconductors is presented. Fristly, a time-convolutionless equation of motion for the reduced density operator is derved from the microscopic Liouville wquation operator method. Secondly, the quantum kinetic equations for intercting electron-hole parirs near band-edge in semiconductors under an extermal optical field are obtained from the equation of motion for the reduced density operator. The non-Markovian optical gain of a driven semiconductor is derived including the many-body effects. plasma screening and excitinic effects are taken into account using as effective Hamiltonian in the time-dependent Hartree-Fock approximation. it is shown that the line shape of optical-gain spectra gain is enhanced by the exicitonic effects caused by the attrative electron-hole Coulomb interaction and the interference effects (renormalized memory effects) between the extermal driving filed and the intermal driving Filed and the stochastic reservoir of the system.
