공동주택 거주자의 주거관리의식 - 서울시 아파트와 연립, 다세대 주택을 중심으로 -

Attitude of resident to the management of multihousing - In case of aparment and raw houses, multi-family houses

  • 발행 : 1994.05.01


The purpose of this research is to present necessity of manament system establishment and policy direction for fundmental data, understanding management reality and problem, comparing resident's management attitude to related variables in apartment and raw houses multi-family houses. The major finding were as follows : 1) The management attitude of Apartment inhabitant is very highm especially the attitude of maintenance management is the higest. But they disagree with the raise of management cost necessary to maintenance management. 2) The management attitude of Raw multi-family houses inhbitant is especially high, the maintenance management demand for safety and community-life contol attitude, resident's mutual cooperation is especially high, they think much of autonomy management, desire to achieve under more sysemnatic plan.
