신생산기술 실행과정상에 조직 적응노력의 효과성 분석

  • 발행 : 1994.04.01


This study suggests the contingency framework understanding the implementation of NIMT and conducts empirical analysis using survey data. The main objectives of the thesis are as follows : (1) analyzing the relationship between adaptation requirements and organizational adaptation efforts. (2) analyzing the relationship between organizational adaptation efforts and implementation performance, and the moderating effect of the adaptation requirements. (3) analyzing the relationship between organizational adaptation efforts and organization characteristics(organization size, technical capability, top management support). A field study was undertaken to test the hypothesized relationships among adaptation efforts, adaptations requirements, organization characteristics, implementation performance. Data were collected from 52 NMT implementation projects of 45 machine tool, metal component firms. The emprical relflts indicated that adaptation requirrnents, organization characteristics were significantly related to organizational adaptation efforts and adaptation efforts can significantly improve implementation perfomance, but the moderating effect of adaptation requirements on adaptation efforts and implementation performance was not supported.
