Ussing's flux ratio theorem for nonlinear diffusive transport with chemical interactions

  • Bracken, A.J. (The Department of Mathematics, The Univ. of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072 Australia) ;
  • McNabb, A. (The Department of Mathematics, The Univ. of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072 Australia) ;
  • Suzuki, M. (The Department of Mathematics, The Univ. of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072 Australia)
  • Published : 1994.10.01


Ussing's flux ratio theorem (1978) reflects a reciprocal relationship behavior between the unidirectional fluxes in asymmetric steady diffusion-convection in a membrane slab. This surprising result has led to many subsequent studies in a wide range of applications, in particular involving linear models of time dependent problems in biology and physiology. Ussing's theorem and its extensions are inherently linear in character. It is of considerable interest to ask to what extent these results apply, if at all, in situations involving, for example, nonlinear reaction. A physiologically interesting situation has been considered by Weisiger et at. (1989, 1991, 1992) and by McNabb et al. (1990, 1991) who studied the role of albumin in the transport of ligands across aqueous diffusion barriers in a liver membrane slab. The results are that there exist reciprocal relationships between unidirectional fluxes in the steady state, although albumin is chemically interacting in a nonlinear way of the diffusion processes. However, the results do not hold in general at early times. Since this type of study first started, it has been speculated about when and how the Ussing's flux ratio theorem fails in a general diffusion-convection-reaction system. In this paper we discuss the validity of Ussing-type theorems in time-dependent situations, and consider the limiting time behavior of a general nonlinear diffusion system with interaction.
