대한용접접합학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the KWS Conference)
- 대한용접접합학회 1993년도 특별강연 및 춘계학술발표 개요집
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- Pages.115-119
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- 1993
저항 점용접에서 비파괴 용접질 검사를 위한 인공신경회로망의 응용기법과 회귀법과의 비교
Nondestructive Spot Weld Quality Monitoring by an Artificial Neural Networks in Comparison with Regression Method
Many qualitive analyses of sampled process variables have been attempted to predict nugget size in resistance spot welding process. In this paper, dynamic resistance and electrode movement signal which is a good indicative of the nugget size was examined by introducing an artificial neural network estimator. An artificial neural feedforward network with back-propagation of error was applied for the estimation of the nugget size. To assess the advantage of this method. results have been compared with conventional regression method.