Time-series 방법으로 모델링한 절삭역학에 의한 공구마모감시 방법

  • 권원태 (서울대 정밀기계설계공동연구소)
  • 발행 : 1993.04.01


In this work, the imaginary part of the inner modulation transfer function of the cutting dynamics is introduced for tool wear monitoring. Time-series method is utilized to construct the generalthree dimensional cutting dynamics whose imaginary part of the inner modulation transfer funcition shows the proportionality to tool wear at the natural frequency of the machine tool dynamics. This modelis reduced to single-input single- output model without altering the proporitonality characteristics to tool wear and implemented to the dual computer system in which one computer performs measurement while the other calculates the imaginary part of the inner modulation transfer function of th cutting dynamics by the batchleast square method. The values of the imaginary part at the natural frequencyof the machine tool structure in the cutting direction are compared to the one calculated during machining with a brand new tool to decide the current stants of the tool. The experiments shows the relevance of the proposed concept.
