• Larry-W.Mays (Ph.D., P.E., P.H. Chair and Professor Department of Civil Engineering Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona 85287 U.S.A.)
  • 발행 : 1993.07.01


I have briefly described some of the important advances in hydrosystems and to remark on the important scientific research priorities in hydrological sciences. We have concentrated on data collection systems, real-time control of hydrosystems, global climate change and decision support systems and GIS. In summary, I would like to stress the following points: - the advances in data collection systems, advanced methodologies for interfacion hydrologic, hydraulic, and optimization models through optimal control approaches; and the advances in decision support systems and GIS will allow the interfacing of all these technologies into some sophisticated and much needed tools for operating hydrosystems; - the ability to better understand the hydrologic processes and their relationships to other earth processes is important to understanding and modelling of the hydrologic cycle and its interactions with the ocean-atmosphere system; - and the solution to a better understanding of hydrologic sciences needs to be an international effort such as the GEWEX program briefly discussed above. I would like to thamk each of you for listening to my lecture and to once again thank those responsible for me being here today. Thank you.
