Technological Experience and Crop Production in Dryland Farming Systems in Africa : The Case of Draught Animal Power in Ghana

  • Panin, Anthony (Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension Botswana College of Agriculture/University of Botswana)
  • 발행 : 1993.10.01


Considerable controversy exists about the trend of animal traction effects on crop production in dryland farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). This problem arises on account of the failure of the few available empirical studies to recognise the important of technological experience of the individual adopting farmers. This study hence addresses this issue by examining the effects of experience in animal traction technology (ATT) on farm size, cropping emphasis, total crop output and farm productivity. It is based on farm management survey data on 42 small holder farm households fro Ghana. Thirty of these households used animal traction technology (ATT) fro crop cultivation and the rest, mainly hand-hoe. The animal traction sub-sample is classified into three groups according to farmers' years of experience with the technology , thus , those with 1-2, 3-10, and more than 10. Evidence from the study shows that the progression of years of experience with ATT leads to inten ification of labour and land use systems, enhancement of degree of motivation to enter into the market economy, increases in total crop output and farm productivity resulting for decreases in cultivated acreages. The implication of the findings is that institutioal and technical support that do accompany the introduction of such technologies should be structured to last for a relatively longer period to accomodate the learning process.
