대한전기학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the KIEE Conference)
- 대한전기학회 1993년도 하계학술대회 논문집 A
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- Pages.442-444
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- 1993
가역식 압연기의 센서없는 두께제어
Sensorless Automatic Gauge Control for a Reversing Rolling Mill
- 김응석 (한국과학기술연구원) ;
- 김광배 (한국과학기술연구원) ;
(한국과학기술연구원) ;
(한국과학기술연구원) ;
(한국과학기술연구원) ;
- 이준수 (한국과학기술연구원) ;
- 임미섭 (한국과학기술연구원) ;
(한국과학기술연구원) ;
(국민대학교 전자공학과) ;
- 강일권 (제철전기콘트롤 주식회사)
- Kim, Eung-Seok (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) ;
- Kim, Kwang-Bae (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) ;
Choy, Ick
(Korea Institute of Science and Technology) ;
Oh, Sang-Rok
(Korea Institute of Science and Technology) ;
Cho, Young-Jo
(Korea Institute of Science and Technology) ;
- Lee, Jun-Soo (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) ;
- Lim, Mee-Seub (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) ;
Park, Jung-Min
(Korea Institute of Science and Technology) ;
Ahn, Hyun-Sik
(Dept of Eletronics Eng., Kulunin Ufiversity) ;
- Kang, Il-Kwon (POSCON)
- 발행 : 1993.07.18
The design problem of the AGC (Automatic Gauge Control) without a gauge-meter and a load-cell for a reversing rolling mill will be considered in this paper. The proposed controller in this paper is designed using only the linearly approximated relationships between a roll gab, a metal thickness and a pressing force. The data transfer delaying can be released by using these relationships. To show the validity of the proposed control method, the results of the computer simulation and the mathematical analysis will be presented in this paper.