Proceedings of the KIEE Conference (대한전기학회:학술대회논문집)
- 1992.07a
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- Pages.285-287
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- 1992
Robust Controller Design in Parameter Space
플랜트 매개 변수 공간상의 강인 안정화 제어기 설계
- Hwang, Hu-Mor (Advanced TV & Display Lab., Samsung Electronics)
- 황유모 (삼성전자, 영상연구실)
- Published : 1992.07.23
This paper considers the design of robust stabilizing controller of a linear time-invariant digital system subject to variations of parameter vector. For a given controller the radius of the largest stability hypersphere in this parameter space is calculated. This radius is a measure of the stability Margin of the closed-loop system. Based on this calculation a design procedure is proposed to robustify a given stabilizing controller. This algorithm iteratively enlarges the stability hypersphere in parameter space and can be used to design a controller to stabilize a plant subject to given ranges of parameter perturbations. These results are illustrated by an example.