과학위성 발사체 M-3H-3의 기준궤적 최적화

Reference Trajectory Optimization of a Launch Vehicle M-3H-3 for Scientific Missions

  • 발행 : 1991.11.22


The problem being considered here is the determination of optimal guidance laws for a launch vehicle for scientific missions. The optimal guidance commands are determined in the sense that the least amount of fuel is used. A numerical solution was obtained for the case where the position and velocity state variables satisfy a specified constraint at the time of thrust cutoff. The method used here is based on the Pontryagin's maximum principle. This is the method of solving a problem in the calculus of variations. In particular, it applies to the problem considered here where the magnitude of the control is bounded. Simulations for the optimal guidance algorithm, during the 2nd and the 3rd-stage flight of the Japanese rocket M-3H-3, are carried out. The results show that the guided trajectory that satisfying the terminal constraints is optimal, and the guidance algorithm works well in the presence of some errors during the 1st-stage pre-programmed guidance phase.
