음성 파형분절의 지수함수 스므딩 기법에 관한 연구

The Study on the Expential Smoothing Method of the Concatenation Parts in the Speech Waveform

  • 박찬수 (호서대학교 전자공학과)
  • 발행 : 1991.06.01


In a text-to-speech system, sound units (phonemes, words, or phrases, etc.) can be concatenated together to produce required utterance. The quality of the resulting speech is dependent on factors including the phonological/prosodic contour, the quality of basic concatenation units, and how well the units join together. Thus although the quality of each basic sound unit is high, if occur the discontinuity in the concatenation part then the quality of synthesis speech is decrease. To solve this problem, a smoothing operation should be carried out in concatenation parts. But a major problem is that, as yet, no method of parameter smoothing is available for joining the segment together. Thus in this paper, we proposed a new aigorithm that smoothing the unnatural discountinuous parts which can be occured in speech waveform editing. This algorithm used the exponential smoothing method.
