- 1991.10a
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- Pages.545-550
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- 1991
Collision-avoidance path planning for spray painting robots
페인팅로보트의 충돌회피 경로계획
Recently, the use of robots for painting operations has received much attention, as it is a powerful means for automation and quality improvement. Collision-avoidance is a key issue in the path planning for painting operations. In this paper, we develop a computationally efficient algorithm for the generation of collision-free path for two types of motion: a) Gross motion when the robot approaches the painting area, and b) Fine motion while spraying the surface. The former is a typical collision-avoidance problem, but the latter calls for special attention as the painting mechanics has to be incorporated into path planning. The developed algorithm is applied for the internal coating of the car body whose structure is the major source of collision.