로보트 팔의 동력학적제어를 위한 신경제어구조

Neurocontrol architecture for the dynamic control of a robot arm

  • 문영주 (포항 공대 전자 전기 공학과) ;
  • 오세영 (포항 공대 전자 전기 공학과)
  • 발행 : 1991.10.01


Neural network control has many innovative potentials for fast, accurate and intelligent adaptive control. In this paper, a learning control architecture for the dynamic control of a robot manipulator is developed using inverse dynamic neurocontroller and linear neurocontroher. The inverse dynamic neurocontrouer consists of a MLP (multi-layer perceptron) and the linear neurocontroller consists of SLPs (single layer perceptron). Compared with the previous type of neurocontroller which is using an inverse dynamic neurocontroller and a fixed PD gain controller, proposed architecture shows the superior performance over the previous type of neurocontroller because linear neurocontroller can adapt its gain according to the applied task. This superior performance is tested and verified through the control of PUMA 560. Without any knowledge on the dynamic model, its parameters of a robot , (The robot is treated as a complete black box), the neurocontroller, through practice, gradually and implicitly learns the robot's dynamic properties which is essential for fast and accurate control.
