SAITEL : an easy robot language to use for SCARA type robots

사용에 편리한 ROBOT 언어 (SAITEL)의 개발

  • Published : 1990.10.01


The robot operation by teach playback is easy and was widely used for simple jobs performed by a simple robot manipulator. However, as robots and their control systems and tasks become more and more sophisticated, such a simple robot operation is no longer adequate and programming languages capable for the complicated systems and tasks are greatly needed. In this paper, a high-level robot-specific programming language, SAITEL, is presented. It is an interpreter, based on Assembly, and has form similar to BASIC. SAITEL is easy to use for people who are not skilled programmers, and provides the capability to define robot task very conveniently. SAITEL was implemented on a direct drive SCARA robot developed in the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, and proved to be very useful for the operation of SCARA-type robots. It can be used also for other types of robots by slight modification.
