뉴톤법에 의한 최적전력 조류계산

Optimal Power Flow Study by The Newton's Method

  • 황갑주 (울산대학교 전기공학과)
  • 발행 : 1989.07.21


Optimal Power Flow (OPF) solution by the Newton's method provides a reliable and robust method to classical OPF problems. The major challenge in algorithm development is to identify the binding inequalities efficiently. This paper propose a simple strategy to identify the binding set. From the mechanism of penalty shifting with soft penalty in trial iteration, a active binding sit is identified automatically. This paper also suggests a technique to solve the linear system whore coefficients are presented by the matrix. This implementation is highly efficient for sparsity programming. Case study for 3,5,14,118,190 bus and practrical KEPCO 305 bus system are performed as well.
