선로고장시 발생되는 잡음의 시뮬레이션

The Simulation of Transmission Line Fault-Induced Noise Signals.

  • 발행 : 1987.11.20


A more specialized area of transient evaluations is transmission line fault-detecting and protection system. During the first cycle or two following a power system fault, a high-speed protective relay is expected to make a decision as to the severity or location of the fault, usually based on 60 Hz information, i.e. the phase and magnitude of 60 Hz voltage or current signals. It is precisely at this time however that the signal is badly corrupted by noise, in the form of a de offset or frequencies above 50 Hz. One of several possible sources of transients in protection measuring signals is in the primary system for which protection is required in its response to the impact of short circuit fault on-set. Other sources are in the primary voltage and current transducers from which protection signals are derived, and, often of particular importance, in the interface circuits between the transducer secondaries and the comparator and measuring elements of the protection system. However, the noise signals that will be described in this paper are due to the main power system only and do not include errors due to current or voltage transducers.
